Frequently Asked Questions

  • You can book into any class using our free app for iOS and Android or on our website.

  • We offer various unlimited and monthly recurring memberships, class packs, and drop-in credits.

  • Booking windows are dependent upon membership or credit type. The booking window opens everyday at 6AM and follows a 7 day window for package credits, 8 day for single modality unlimited members and 14 day for dual modality unlimited members.

  • Yes

  • Join our waitlist! By joining our waitlist, you are agreeing that you can take class if you get in and will receive notice via email before class starts. You can also opt in for text notifications.

  • You are automatically removed from class with no penalty. If you used a credit to book, it will be returned to you for future classes. By removing yourself from the waitlist prior to class time, you will not be penalized as a late-cancel or no-show.

  • For all classes, there is a 12-hour cancellation policy. Unlimited members will be charged a $10 fee and credit members will lose their credit. Those who “no-show” to a class will be charged $20.

  • Our studio doors close 5 minutes after the start time of each class. If you are running late please call the studio or send us a text. We can set your bike up, or prepare you space in the strength room.

  • Yes! Our bikes are compatible with DELTA & SPD clips. You can bring your own shoes or rent a pair for $2+tax. Shoes are complimentary for your first ride with us.

  • Yes! Email us at

  • Absolutely. Unlimited members get 2 free guest passes a month.  Credit users can also bring a guest by using a credit.. Please arrive 10-15 minutes early so your guest can get properly set up for class.

  • There is a lot next to the Dominos, a lot across the street, and free street parking on both sides of Montgomery Road. 

  • No - we provide all the equipment needed for both cycle and strength classes!

  • Yes - we sell water for $3 per bottle. If you bring your own bottle, we have two filtered water stations available.

  • We recommend arriving 10-15 minutes before class. Our crew team will show you your bike settings + the instructor will give you an overview of class!